Career, Jobs, and Internship Fair
Stevenson Union: Rogue River Room, ASSOU lounge, and Foyer
1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520, United States
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Attire: Business Casual or Business Formal (Check out our professional clothing swap outside SU 310 leading up to the Fair)
What does business casual even mean? Check out Harvard and Forage for examples of business casual in practice.
Bring: copies of your resume, some questions about student opportunities or career pathways for new graduates, an elevator pitch (how you plan to introduce yourself to potential employers).
Employers come from across many industries, including health, education, social services, manufacturing, business, law enforcement, and more.
See the full list of employers in Career Launch, SOU's platform for off-campus job and internship opportunities.
Stevenson Union: Rogue River Room, ASSOU lounge, and Foyer
1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520, United States